Monday, February 21, 2011


So I was at middle school youth group this last Thursday, and afterwards, on of the other leaders, Daniel, asked me what was new. So I responded "I am now a blogger." Then I told him about my blog, what I write about, my different interests, etc. I told him that I hoped it was interesting, because it can be so random. People seem to be reading it, and hopefully y'all aren't bored with it.

As Daniel and I chatted about what I write about, he brought up that he had a spot on his thumb that he picked. Whenever it got dry, he picked it, and picked it, until it got to be an open sore. This was a continuous cycle and he couldn't understand why he let it get tp that point everytime. Well, I commiserated with him, because I am guilty of picking myself. I have eczema and dry-skin, but also with scabs and what not, I pick. It isn't flattering, and has even led to infections...but there is something intrinsic about it. Whatever the case, it feels good.

Now, maybe this is just that we pickers are OCD when it comes to something to pick, or maybe it it is just cathartic. I am not sure, but I know that there are times when even subconsciously I pick. Someone will usually point out blood, or something, and I won't even know that it happened. It is a strange phenomenon, and yet I still find myself picking. Is it boredom, is it catharsis, is it just plain stupid? Sometimes it seems so.

Whatever it is, I don't think it is healthy and I need to stop. I pick when I shouldn't, I admit, and even E has encouraged me stop, whether it is a look, or placing her hands on mine to stop, she is trying to make me a better person.

So, why do we it something we can help, or just instinctive. Hopefully, I will stop pick, and let my body heal. I told Daniel that what I do is put gloves on my hands to sleep, maybe with medication, for my eczema, or maybe neosporin for him. This seems to help my hands heal.

This is a random post, but something I have been thinking about. When you pick, or see someone picking, let's do ourselves the favor of encouraging each other to stop. Our friends will thank us, or skin will thank us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mark... I like your blog a lot... it's like talking to you from afar. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Picking is an interesting and gross subject... but on the interesting side of things, I feel like your post is a representation of something much deeper.

    Don't we all have things we pick at within ourselves... and we keep picking and scratching this thing or nature within who we are... till it gets yucky and sad?

    Then we realize we've let this sore grow and become a problem that is beyond our control. It becomes something much more than dry skin or an owie that was once a cool scab... now it's infected and ugly; possibly causing a scar or something that pushes people away from us. And we realize the only way we're going to be healthy is if we get professional help.

    And often professional help consists of the grace Jesus offers each and every one of us. In spite of our sickness and unhealthy minds and dark hearts, Jesus says, show me your sores... show me the battle wounds you've been picking at... and let me heal them. That grace brings healing and renews us (sorta like Neosporin, right?).

    Just a thought, my friend.

